Institut Teknologi Bandung officially established PT Inovasi Teknologi Bermedia Press (PT ITB Press) as a new commercial business unit. On Thursday (22/9/2022), the shareholders, ITB represented by BPUDL, and LAPI Foundation signed the notarial deed to inaugurate the establishment of PT ITB Press at the ITB Press Office, Ganesha Campus. At the same time, the Commissioner and Director of PT ITB Press signed a declaration of intent to assume control of PT ITB Press.
The establishment of PT ITB Press represents a transformation from ITB Publisher, formerly a supporting business unit under BPUDL. Since 2021, BPUDL has been reengineering business models and processes to boost the performance of ITB Press, while ensuring its competitiveness in the publishing and printing industries. Director of BPUDL, Deddy Priatmodjo Koesrindartoto stated, “PT ITB Press is an important asset for ITB that should be managed properly. Over the past year, BPUDL has been strongly pursued the establishment of ITB Press”.
Chairman of LAPI Foundation, Dr. Chalid Idham Abdullah hopes that the establishment of PT ITB Press would lead to the company’s growth and advancement in supporting ITB.
ITB owns 95% of PT ITB Press, while the LAPI Foundation holds the remaining 5%. PT ITB Press will be led by Commissioner Edi Wahyu Sri Mulyono and Director Alga Indria. Both are ITB alumni with a strong enthusiasm to promote literacy.
Edi Wahyu Sri Mulyono said that “Today marks a historical day. We are witnesses to PT ITB Press’s emergence. This is a commandable mission for the progress of ITB, to which we wish to to contribute with the support of all parties”.
In the meanwhile, Director of PT ITB Press, Alga Indria expects that all parties will work together and act quickly, with excellent planning “let’s develope big plans together so that ITB Press may achieve a remarkable achievement in the future,” he concluded.

Photo: Humas ITB
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