To commemorate its 10th anniversary, BPUDL hosted a gathering with alumni at the ITB Campus in Jakarta (20/07/2024). Entitled “Strengthening ties for the advancement of ITB and the nation”, the event was opened by the director of BPUDL, Deddy Priatmodjo Koesrindartoto.

The event was attended by several notable figures including the Chairperson of the ITB Board of Trustees, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Chairperson of the ITB Alumni Association, Gembong Primadjadja, Salman Subakat, Achmad Zaky, and alumni representatives from various classes and communities. In his remarks, Budi Gunadi Sadikin said that ITB needs to have a substantial endowment fund like all world-class universities. To accomplish this, ITB needs to continually improve itself to become a trusted institution. Trust from various stakeholders will provide financial stability because more donors are confident in providing long-term funding support for ITB.
The chairperson of the ITB Alumni Association, Gembong Primadjaja, stated that alumni need to synergize with their beloved campus to develop the commercialization of campus research outputs, which are tailored to the demands and needs of the community.

The alumni stories session featured ITB alumni from various classes, including Irama ITB’70, Achmad Zaky ITB’04, and Vanny W. Katili ITB’10. Hosted by the secretary of BPUDL, the session shared stories about ITB’s role in the lives of its alumni today and vice versa that alumni can give to ITB as a form of “give back to alma mater”. Contributions to ITB from alumni are very diverse ranging from donations, collaborations, to creative ideas and efforts that can support ITB’s progress. The underlying message was “never get tired of loving ITB”.

In the second session, the Director of BPUDL, who was also a speaker, raised the topic of escalating endowment funds through the synergy of creating mutual funds, guided by Dr. Yunieta Anny Nainggolan (Lecturer at SBM ITB), alongside CEO of Trimegah Asset Management, Antony Dirga. This mutual fund investment product is one of the programs that continuously enhances the investment portfolio, involving ITB stakeholders as investors.
Ultimately, this meeting aimed to provide an overview of the role of ITB’s endowment fund in supporting ITB’s financial independence, as well as strategic steps in managing the endowment fund with the participation of alumni and other stakeholders.
Investing for ITB’s dreams!