After successfully participating in the ITB Ultra Trail 2022 program, the ITB Deans for the 2020–2024 period returned to participate in enlivening the “ITB Ultra Marathon 2022”. ITB’s deans run for 180 km from Jakarta to Bandung. This participation is accompanied by a mission to raise ITB endowment funds for academic activities in Faculties/Schools.
Prof. Jaka Sembiring (Acting Dean of School of Business and Management), Dr. Tutun Juhana (Dean of School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics), Prof. Ketut Adnyana (Dean of School of Pharmacy), Dr. Sri Maryati (Dean of School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development), Prof. Endah Sulistyawati (Dean of School of Life Sciences and Technology), Prof. Tatacipta Dirgantara (Dean of Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), Dr. A. Rikrik Kusmara (Dean of Faculty of Arts and Designs), Dr. Edwan Kardena (Dean of Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering), Dr. Irwan Meilano (Dean of Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology), Prof. Suprijadi (Dean of Graduate School), Prof. Brian Yuliarto (Dean of Faculty Industrial Technology), Prof. Wahyu Srigutomo (Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) are among the Deans who participated in this event. In addition, Prof. Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio (Acting Vice Dean for Resources of School of Business and Management), Dr. Hermawan Judawisastra (Vice Dean for Resources Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), and Dr. Nita Yuanita (Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering) and Deddy P. Koesrindartoto, Ph.D. (Director of BPUDL) also joined the squad for relay running, which started from Plaza Mandiri Jakarta, continued to Bogor, Puncak, Cianjur, Padalarang, and finished at Sabuga ITB.

The deans, vice deans, and Director of BPUDL were running enthusiastically to fulfill their commitment to raise endowment funds, despite having to run after midnight, through uphill paths and in the rain at several locations. Started on Friday (10/03/2023) at 9 p.m. by Jaka Sembiring, they completed the race in Sabuga ITB as the last runner Wahyu Srigutomo finished Sunday morning (12/03/2023) at 02.15 a.m.

In addition to the spirit of running, the deans encouraged all alumni and stakeholders to contribute to their faculties/schools through endowment funds. Endowment funds are collected through the platform, allowing the donors to select Faculty/School so that the donations will be recorded as endowment funds for the respective Faculty/School. On the fifth day following the event, endowment funds have already surpassed IDR180 million. The funds will be managed by BPUDL to support Faculty/School programs.
BPUDL would like to thank the sponsors; PT LAPI, PT LAPI GTC, PT LAPI Divusi, PT Ganesha Patra Sejahtera, Bank BNI, and Bank BSI that fully supported running deans. As sponsors, your financial contribution is vital to our mission. We truly appreciate your support in helping the squad thrive. We can assure that your contribution is meaningful is being put to good use.
Let’s support the faculties/school’s effort to raise money for endowment funds. By creating an endowment, we have the freedom to choose how the investment will support long-term sustainability programs in ITB.