To commemorate the 7th year of Agency of Business and Endowment Fund Management (BPDUL) in supporting ITB, BPUDL held an event: Inspirasi Berbagi (Inspired to share) – Pay It Forward. ITB. Through this event, ITB hopes that more and more stakeholders are inspired to involve in philanthropic effort and share kindness to others. A kindness may not seem extraordinary, but when it inspires and pass on to others, it can have the power to impact someone right now in a positive, kind way.
Rector of ITB, Reini Wirahadikusumah during her opening remarks quote an interesting study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science (2018) “The joy of giving lasts longer than the joy of getting”. “Repeated giving, even in identical ways to identical others, may continue to feel relatively fresh and relatively pleasurable the more that we do it”.
Director of BPUDL, Deddy Koesrindartoto reported several activities that have been executed by BPUDL during the last 1,5 years of his service. These are including rebranding BPUDL, ISO quality management, and transformation of management of business and endowment fund. He also stated his commitment to look after for other sources for ITB’s revenue and to increase the size of funds managed by BPUDL, to have a significant impact on ITB activities.
Head of ITB Board of Trustee, Yani Panigoro highlighted that ITB as one of 12 legal entity state-owned Universities has the autonomy to manage its own institution in the academic and nonacademic field. However, this autonomy can only be achieved if ITB has adequate funding support. Therefore, ITB’s operational financing through endowment fund investments is critical to support ITB’s funding in a sustainable way.

The representative of the beneficiaries of ITB, Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Jaka Sembiring also informed that ITB’s students have just achieved the overall winner as they bring 19 medals form the national science competition (KNMIPA), 5 of them were scholarship grantees. It shows us that scholarships not only support the education of grantee, but even make ITB proud. Vice Rector for Finance, Planning, and Development, Muh. Abduh added that although the current size of endowment fund only contribute for small part of ITB expenses, yet this has significantly help ITB to run some ITB’s dedicated programs.
A touching speech was delivered by Angga Fauzi, alumni of scholarship grantee. Angga expressed his gratitude, while sharing his experience that scholarships not only allow him to study in ITB and continue his master’s education in England, but it also help him to lift the family’s economic life. He admitted that scholarship has multiplier impact to the society and show the donors the impact their donation is having.
ITB has recorded the participation from its alumni and/or any stakeholders who have contributed for ITB and Rector of ITB specially use this moment to thoroughly thank all of them who do us the massive favor of contributing to ITB.
- Eddy Sariaatmadja, represented by Imam Sudjarwo (Director of Indosiar)
- Panigoro family, represented by Yani Panigoro
- Purnomo Yusgiantoro Foundation, represented by Filda C. Yusgiantoro
- ITB Scholarship For All (BIUS), represented by Betti Alisjahbana
- ITB Alumni Association, represented by the chairperson Gembong Primadjaja
ITB hopes that this appreciation will maintain engagement and good relations with all parties who care about ITB.
the inspiration is cool
Thank you.
This is excellent
institution in the academic and nonacademic field