Meet Our Team


Poerbandono joined BPUDL ITB in February 2025. Before leading BPUDL, he served as Chairman of the Quality Assurance Unit at ITB.
Throughout his career, he has held several key positions, including Chair of the Hydrography Research Group, Chair of the Master's and Doctoral Programs in Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, Coordinator of Sub-Study Programs in the Professional Engineer Program, and Manager of the Hydrographic Research Laboratory. His international experience includes postdoctoral research at Vrije University, Amsterdam and Universität Zu Kiel, Germany. Additionally, he has provided training with the Indonesian Naval Hydro-oceanographic Centre at the East Asian Hydrographic Commission (EAHC) and worked as a consultant in hydrographic infrastructure and metocean criteria design for offshore navigation and energy exploitation.
Currently, Poerbandono is a Professor at the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, specializing in the engineering hydrography, member of Board of Ethics of the Indonesian Surveyors Association, Chair of the Supervisory Board of Association of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Study Programs, and Vice Chair of the Satellite-derived Bathymetry Project Team at the Hydrographic Survey Working Group of the International Hydrographic Organization.
He earned his Ph.D. with Magna Cum Laude honours in Coastal Geosciences and Engineering from Universität zu Kiel, Germany. He also holds a bachelor's degree in Geodesy and master's degree in Business Management and Technology Administration from ITB.

Ahmad Faizal

Ahmad Faizal
Ahmad Faizal joined BPUDL since June 2020. He oversees strategic planning as well as coordinates activities under program development division and internal secretariat. He is an Associate Professor at the School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (SITH ITB).
He earned his PhD in Applied Biological Sciences from Ghent University in 2013. Before he join BPUDL, he was the head of Master Program in Biology from 2018-2020.

Nur Herly A.
Head of Endowment Fund Division

Nur Herly A.
Head of Endowment Fund Division
Nur Herly Aguswidyaningtyas joined BPUDL in 2014. She is in charge of managing funds to be invested in several investment instruments. Before she join BPUDL, she worked at Satuan Kekayaan Dana (SKD) ITB as treasurer. In 2006, she was a teller and cash administrator at Bank BPR Situsentra mitra. She received bachelor of accounting from Bandung State Polytechnic.

Head of Investment and Commercial Business Division

Head of Investment and Commercial Business Division
Tata joined BPUDL in 2014. Tata focuses to manage 13 companies under BPUDL. Prior to join BPUDL, he was financial staff at Business Commercial. He received a bachelor of Management from Pasundan University .

Hinny Herliany
Head of Program Development Division

Hinny Herliany
Head of Program Development Division
Hinny Herliany joined BPUDL since June 2020. she focuses to develop and plan initiative programs that can have a positive impact to enhance the engagement of stakeholders. Prior to join BPUDL, she was head of secretariat office in LPPM ITB. She received master of economics from Padjadjaran University.

Fike Feriska Fitriawati
Head of Secretariat Office

Fike Feriska Fitriawati
Head of Secretariat Office
Fike Feriska joined BPUDL since November 2020. Prior to join BPUDL, she was accountant at Directorate of Finance. Currently she focuses in Accounting and administrative office. He received bachelor of economics from STIE INABA Bandung.
Advisory Board

Rinaldi Firmansyah
ITB '79

Rinaldi Firmansyah
ITB '79
Rinaldi Firmansyah received his bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering from ITB, Master of Business Administration (MBA) from IPMI Jakarta, and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), from AIMR, Charlottesville, USA.
Currently he serves as President Commissioner of PT Pertamina Hulu Energy. Prior to joining PT. Pertamina Hulu, he acted as commissioners in several prominent companies, such as PT Semen Padang, PT PLN Batam, PT Elnusa, PT Indosat Tb, PT Pinnacle Investama, PT Bluebird, and PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance. Between 2007 – 2012, he was Chief Executive Officer at PT Telkom Indonesia.

Darwin Cyril Noerhadi
ITB '79

Darwin Cyril Noerhadi
ITB '79
Darwin Cyril Noerhadi earned his bachelor degree in Geological Engineering from ITB, MBA in Finance and Economics from University of Houston, and Ph.D in Strategic Management from University of Indonesia.
He is Chairman of Creador, a private equity firm focused on partnering with passionate entrepreneurs to grow world-class businesses in South and Southeast Asia. Early 2021, he was appointed by the Ministry of Finance as one of the supervisory boards of the Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF). Prior to joining Creador in 2011, Cyril was group CFO of PT Medco Energi International. Between 1999-2005, Cyril was Corporate Finance Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Jakarta office. Prior to this, he was President Director of the Jakarta Stock Exchange where he transformed the newly privatized exchange in line with new regulations that took effect in 1996.

Bernardus Djonoputro
ITB '83

Bernardus Djonoputro
ITB '83
Bernardus Djonoputro received bachelor degree in School of Urban and Regional Planning, Institut Teknologi Bandung and Executive Education at Harvard University.
Bernardus is Senior Advisor & Executive Director at Ernst & Young. He is the honorary Trade Advisor for East Asia to the government of New Zealand Trade & Enterprise. He has built a career in the private sector working with many major international firms including as American Express Bank, PwC, Deloitte. He also has extensive experience working in senior positions with Indonesian firms including Jababeka, Nusantara Infrastructure and HD Asia Advisory. He is active in civil society and professional associations and is currently the national Chair of the Planning Ethics Board of the Indonesian Association of Urban and Regional Planners (IAP), and sits in various international organization including as Fellow with Salzburg Global Seminar, a globalization think tank based in Salzburg, Austria.

Philia Wibowo
ITB '94

Philia Wibowo
ITB '94
Philia Wibowo received her bachelor degree in Mathematics from ITB and Master of Business Administration from Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Philia leads the McKinsey office in Indonesia and is the leader of McKinsey’s Organization Practice in Southeast Asia. Her leadership and expertise in talent strategy and skill-building initiatives have helped executives master change and manage people better.
Phillia is an active promoter of “Unleashing Indonesia,” an initiative to grow Indonesia’s emerging economy. She is also a member of the National Steering Committee of Bureaucracy Reform, working directly with the Vice President of the Republic Indonesia. The co-founder of Young Leaders for Indonesia, a program initiated by McKinsey, she also helps organize efforts aimed at unleashing the leadership capacity of high-performing university students.

Edwin Utama
ITB '95

Edwin Utama
ITB '95
Edwin Utama received bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering from ITB and Master of Business Administration from Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.
Edwin is President Director of Boston Consulting Group (BCG) who leads the firm’s Jakarta office. He has worked with financial services and public-sector clients on strategy, organization, and operation improvement assignments and is a core member of the Financial Institutions and Public Sector practices. Prior to BCG, he was Manager at Citibank Jakarta.
Investment Advisors

Eko Priyo Pratomo
ITB '82

Eko Priyo Pratomo
ITB '82
Eko Priyo Pratomo received his Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from ITB and Master of Business Administration from IPMI Jakarta.
He acted as Advisor at Mandiri Manajemen Investasi in 2019-2020. Between 1996–2018, he was Director, CEO, and Senior Advisor at PT. BNP Paribas Investment Partners.

ITB '04

ITB '04
Achmad Zaky earned his Bachelor Degree in Informatics Engineering from ITB and Master of Business Administration and Management from HEC Paris. He also participated in Executive Program in Stanford University and Executive Education in Harvard Business School. Achmad Zaky is an entrepreneur and investor. He is a co-founder and the former chief executive officer (CEO) of Bukalapak, an e-commerce company in Indonesia. Currently, he act as a member of ITB’s board of trustee. He has won multiple awards including Satyalancana Wira Karya Medal from President Joko Widodo, EY Entrepreneur, and Endeavor Entrepreneur.

Novi Imelda
ITB '86

Novi Imelda
ITB '86
Novi Imelda received Bachelor Degree in Mathematics from ITB.
She acted as Chief Investment Officer at AIA Indonesia in 2011-2018. More than 20 years working in the investment field, Active in the Indonesia Investor Club and as investment coordinator at the Indonesian Life Insurance Association.

Hanel Topada
ITB '07

Hanel Topada
ITB '07
Hanel Topada received his Bachelor Degree in Business and Management from ITB.
He acted as Fund Manager and Senior Equity Analyst at Ashmore in 2011–2021. Experienced in professional finance in asset management, corporate finance, valuation, global markets, and investment.

Bernadus Setya A.Wijaya
ITB '09

Bernadus Setya A.Wijaya
ITB '09
Bernardus received Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering from ITB.
He was Pre-Processing Head & Treasury and Trade Solutions (TTS) at Citi. He was awarded Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia, Forbes 30 Under 30 Indonesia, and Indonesia Young Leader Business Award by SWA Magazine. Experienced to join regional training in Citibank - such as in Hongkong and Singapore about Corporate Finance and Operations & Technology. He also empower millenials to invest in stock market for their better future.