An online meeting was held to facilitate discussion between BPUDL, Student Association (KM), and candidates of the Chairman of the Alumni Association Institut Teknologi Bandung (Ikatan Alumni ITB), on April 3, 2021. BPUDL was represented by its director Deddy P. Koesrindartoto, Nada Zharfania acted for KM ITB, while seven candidates represented themselves including Honesti Basyir (TI’87), I Made Dana Tangkas (TI’84), Gembong (MS’86), Hariyono (IF’85), Bimo Sasongko (IF’90), Gatot Sudariyono (MS’80) and Seterhern Akbar Suriadinata (EL’03). Syarifah Amelia (FI’07) was unable to attend the meeting and sent her representative instead. This meeting was also attended by Yani Panigoro (Board of Trustee) and Dwi Larso (Director of LPDP).
The meeting raised several issues concerning what does alumni can contribute to ITB, vice versa. In addition, during his speech, Director of BPUDL explain the management of university business and ITB endowment fund, and to which extend of each party can involved with. However, the main concern of the meeting was the number of students who were still in arrears for their tuition fees. The numbers apparently are staggering and still on the rise. Nada stated that “Student Association (KM ITB) has launched a program to support their fellow students who have difficulties in paying tuition fees and currently looking for several potential donors”. BPUDL, at the same time is ready to facilitate this program by creating “Dana Donasi Bersyarat/Conditional Donation Fund” in the form of a donation agreement between donor(s), student association, and BPUDL.

After 2 hours of fruitful meeting, it brought happiness to all parties as all candidates committed to provide scholarship which making a total of IDR1 billion to solve student tuition fees. BPUDL, Student Association, and all the candidates admitted that good communication and togetherness among others were the key contributions that should be maintained toward ITB. Yani Panigoro closed this meeting with her touching words, “never get tired of loving ITB”.